For Students
By Students
Learn and review ophthalmology principles deemed essential for all medical students by the American Academy of Ophthalmology
“Most primary care program directors believe that fewer than 50% of incoming residents have sufficient ophthalmology skills when entering internship”
Graubart et. al. Ophthalmology Objectives for Medical Students: Revisiting What Every Graduating Medical Student Should Know. Ophthalmology. 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2018.08.032
Our Mission
To create a readily accessible online resource for students and trainees to learn the basics of the ophthalmic exam and ocular pathologies.
This website covers all the guidelines set forth by the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s 2018 White Paper on ophthalmology objectives for medical students, which outline teaching points that every graduating medical student should know.
This website is unique in its minimalism: not only does it provide must-know information in brief, templated, and bulleted form, but also compiles links to the best online resources and further readings on each topic presented. Thus, we hope to serve as the launch pad to basic ophthalmology learning for all students.
How to use this website
By learning everything on this website, you can be confident in the comprehensiveness of your knowledge of basic ophthalmology.
There are also links to numerous resources for each topic for you to deepen your knowledge.
We include Anki flashcards and online quizzes to help you retain the knowledge presented here.
We also hope you find this a valuable online mobile reference to help learn the ophthalmic exam and build differentials for eye complaints yourself before calling ophthalmology consults when you are on the wards.