Eye Complaints
Acute Painless Vision Loss
This is almost always an urgent or emergent issue. Requires prompt recognition and referral to the ER or an ophthalmologist
Red/Painful Eye
This is a very broad differential that span several parts of the eye. Try to approach this in terms of disorders of various anatomical regions, as listed on the flowchart below
Chronic Vision Loss
These conditions are usually not urgent, but comprise of the majority of bread and butter ophthalmology. Many of these conditions are also amongst the most prevalent causes of vision loss
Eye Trauma
Traumas are tough to manage and can be vision threatening. Learn about the most common findings associated with eye trauma and what to do about them
Pediatric ophthalmology is a vast, complex discipline. This section will review some of the most prevalent and important pediatric pathologies
Eye Movement Disorders
Although there are many causes of eye movement issues, this section quickly reviews the cranial nerve palsies and Thyroid eye disease, which can cause proptosis of the eye
List of eye diseases by presenting symptom and urgency. Download/Copy/Print this image for your reference and to help form differentials for exams and on the wards